South Asian Journal of Food Technology and Environment (pISSN 2394-5168 and eISSN:
2454-6445) a broad-based, peer-reviewed, leading International Journal. It has emphasis and interest to: Agriculturist, Food Scientists and Technologists, Food Processors, Nutritionists, Food Biochemists, Food Microbiologists, and Ecologists, Environmental Scientists, Bio-technologists, Industry, R&D Organizations, and others engaged in Environmental Research.
The Journal publishes original research & review papers dealing with multiple disciplinary subjects with of Food Processing and Technology, Agricultural Sciences as well Environmental Sciences and ecology (including) – in English language only. Journal was started since 2015 with quarterly frequency in a year but now it published biannual since 2017 with June and December issue. The Journal publishes unpublished only Research Papers (not exceeding 4500 words), Short Communications (not exceeding 1500 words) and Review Papers (not exceeding 6500 words). All papers are accepted after blind review process. Special emphasis is given to fundamental and applied research findings that have potential for enhancing product quality, extend shelf life of fresh and processed food products and improve process efficiency. Critical reviews on new perspectives in food handling and processing, innovative and emerging technologies and trends and future research in food products and food industry byproducts are also welcome. This Journal includes the effects of environmental and climate changes on agriculture and foods.
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